// Product Store

The Product Store website was my final individual project for the Database & Web Development module in Year 2, which recieved 100% full marks. This project was great in further developing my traditional web development skills as it heavily focused on PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS alongside AJAX conventions. Key features includes a full registration/login system, admin panel using permissions, responsive UI and search/filtering functionality as well as a robust basket and checkout system.


Product store is a website that I developed as my final individual project for the Database & Web Development module in Year 2. The theme of the project was to create a web store for a client's company which sells a range of cheese products.

Tech Stack

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • JS & jQuery (+ AJAX conventions)

Developing the Project

This web store project was developed across 5-6 weeks, following a set of requirements and guidelines set out in the project brief ("the client"). The site was developed using PHP, with AJAX conventions used throughout to improve the user experience.

Throughout development, I followed a strict MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern to ensure the website is well organised during development and future maintenance.

I began by working on the main product display, which composes of search and filtering options. This includes the classes and MySQL database tables to appropriately store products for the store.

Overtime, I expanded into adding basket functionality and a checkout process, which was a key feature of the project. I then proceeded with adding a login system to allow orders to be linked with accounts, and to also facilitate the admin panel which was a key requirement to ensure that the client can manage their store products easily.

Near the end, I promptly proceeded to add responsiveness across the entire website, to allow for perfect scaling across all device resolutions as well as responsive navigation through buttons and forms. I also added a range of accessibility features to ensure that the website is easily accessible to all users.


This project was excellent in strengthening my traditional web development skills, through the use of PHP, HTML/CSS and AJAX conventions, alongside MySQL for data storage. I recieved an A+ (100%) grade for this project.

Hope you enjoyed reading about this project! 🚀

Be sure to check out the wide variety of other projects that I have worked on. And don't forget to connect with me on socials. 👋